Not Eliminate but Aggregate: Post-Hoc Control over Mixture-of-Experts to Address Shortcut Shifts in Natural Language Understanding
On Universally Optimal Algorithms for A/B Testing
Scalable and Provably Fair Exposure Control for Large-Scale Recommender Systems
On Uniformly Optimal Algorithms for Best Arm Identification in Two-Armed Bandits with Fixed Budget
Rate-Optimal Bayesian Simple Regret in Best Arm Identification
An Optimal Clustering Algorithm for the Labeled Stochastic Block Model
iMixer: invertible, implicit, and iterative MLP-Mixer from modern Hopfield networks
Fairness Concepts for Indivisible Items with Externalities
Unified Perspective on Probability Divergence via the Density-Ratio Likelihood: Bridging KL-Divergence and Integral Probability Metrics
Thresholded Lasso Bandit
Learning Causal Relationship from Conditional Moment Condition by Importance Weighting
Benign-Overfitting in Conditional Average Treatment Effect Prediction with Linear Regression
Mean Variance Efficient Reinforcement Learning
Online-to-offline advertisements as field experiments
A Real-World Implementation of UnbiasedLift-based Bidding System
The Adaptive Doubly Robust Estimator and a Paradox Concerning Logging Policy
Non-Negative Bregman Divergence Minimization for Deep Direct Density Ratio Estimation
Detecting multi-timescale consumption patterns from receipt data: A non-negative tensor factorization approach