
岩本 拓也
Takuya Iwamoto
◆ Main keywords
Trustworthy agent, Augmentation of face to face communication, Augmented EnvironmentRational expression of affection◆Education & Work Experience
Education- - 2015-Current Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology- PhD in Knowledge Science
- - 2011-2013 Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology-Master in Knowledge Science
- - 2017-Current Cyberagent,inc AI Lab, Research Scientist
- - 2015-2017 mixi,inc , Research Scientist
- - 2014-2015 Rakuten,inc, Assistant Researcher
- - 2013-2014 Richmedia,inc, Project Director
- - CHI2018 Asian CHI Best Demo/Poster Award
- - Yahoo! Hackday “Short List”
- - Human Comuting Interaction 150 “Students Award"
- - NHK Digital Studium ”Best Prize”
- - 17th Internatonal Virtual Reality Competition “Best Prize”
- - 16th Internatonal Virtual Reality Competition “Kagamigahara mayor awards”
- - Rakuten Technology Conference,Lightning talk “2nd prize”
- - LavalVirtual2009 “3rd Prize”
- - LavalVirtual2010 Awards “Medicine and Health”
- - Entertaiment Computing2008 ”KansaiTV awards”
- - JASSO Students of the Year 2011
- Takuya Iwamoto, Kazutaka Kurihara, Esora Maya and Kazushi Nishimoto AH ’17 Proceedings of the 8th Augmented Human International Conference Article No. 37
- Takuya Iwamoto and Kazushi Nishimoto: A Medium for Short-Distance Lovers That Exploits an Obstructive Function to Draw Them Back to Face-To-Face Communications, The 13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Aug. 30 – Sep. 2, 2016, (Invited Talk)
- Takuya Iwamoto, Soh Masuko , “Lovable Couch: Dispelling Distrustful Feelings for Couples by Displaying Excitation Based on Heartbeat Changes”, Augmented Human 2015.
- Takuya Iwamoto, Shinji Ogura, Yusuke Sasayama, Keita Mura, Yoshitaka Toda, Takayuki Kosaka. -Blowgun system activated by mouth odor- “La flèche de l’odeur” , Laval Virtual International Conference,pp371-374,2009.
- Takuya Iwamoto, Yusuke Sasayama,Mitsuo Motoki,Takayuki Kosaka. “Back to the Mouth” , SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies , 2009/8/3 – 8/7.
- Takayuki Kosaka, Yusuke Sasayama, Takuya Iwamoto, Junichi Akita. “Mommy Tummy” Development of a pregnancy experience system. Proceeding of Virtual Reality International Conference(VRIC2010). pp287-290.2010/04/07-09.
- Takayuki Kosaka,Takuya Iwamoto,Robert Songer,Junichi Akita.”Mommy Tummy: A Pregnancy Experience System Simulating Fetal Movement”,SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies , 2011/8/9 – 8/11.
- 小坂崇之,岩本拓也,服部元史. 飲食物摂取による口臭変化を入力としたゲームシステムの開発. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌,Vol.19, No.1, pp.5-16, 2014.
- Takayuki Kosaka,Takuya Iwamoto:Serious dietary education system for changing food preferences “food practice shooter”,VRIC ’13 Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference: Laval Virtual Article No. 23(2013).
Pick-me-up Strategy for a Self-recommendation Agent: A Pilot Field Experiment in a Convenience Store
Playful Recommendation: Sales Promotion That Robots Stimulate Pleasant Feelings Instead of Product Explanation
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7
POP Cart: Product Recommendation System by an Agent on a Shopping Cart
The Effectiveness of Self-Recommending Agents in Advancing Purchase Behavior Steps in Retail Marketing
Simultaneous-Dialogue Robot System
HCII 2019
Beautifying Profile Pictures in Online Dating: Dissolving the Ideal-Reality Gap
HCII 2019
Simultaneous dialog robot system